FONDSBOUTIQUEN & PRIVATE LABEL FONDS: Value Investing, Commodities & Market Developments – VIDEO CALL & SAVE THE DATE „Swiss Value Day“ (5.5.2022 & 10.6.2022, SIA Funds AG)

Video Call on Thursday, May 5th at 10.00 AM CET

The purpose of this call is to inform you on the development of our funds since the beginning of the year as well as to give you an outlook for the remaining part of the year.  

The following people will present:

  • Prof. J. Carlos Jarillo, Founding Partner
  • Marcos Hernandez, CIO/Partner
  • Urs Marti, Partner
  • Alex Rauchenstein, CEO/Partner

Save the Date: First Swiss Value Day on June 10th in Zurich

Strategic Investment Advisors (SIA) and BWM Value Investing (BWM) invite you to the first “Swiss Value Day” on June 10th in the Zunfthaus zur Meise, Zurich.
Building on the popular “SIA Natural Resources Day” held since 2018 by SIA, the managers of Switzerland’s two oldest value funds invite you to the Swiss Value Day.

The program features senior management from three attractive companies, Buzzi UnicemDevro and Fossil being interviewed by our lead analysts, Marc Dittli, editor in chief of The Market, as well as the respective portfolio managers, Prof. Dr. J. Carlos Jarillo and Marcos Hernandez of SIA and Georg von Wyss of BWM.

The event will close with a buffet lunch.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any request that you may have.

With best regards
SIA Team 

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